The BEACON Project, Similajau National Park
Type : Recreational
Location : Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia
Status : Completed
The BEACON project is an initiative by Sarawak Forestry Corporation Sdn. Bhd. and Petronas MLNG. One element of this iniatitive is to the Reef Ball project; which is their on going research and development programme for marine park conservation and revitalization of the marine micro environment at Similajau National Park.
Funded by Petronas MLNG, one of the programme under the BEACON project was education and awareness. The creation of a more dynamic and impactful experience for their Interpretation Centre.
We were priviledged to be appointed to help them evolve a model for their current Interpretation Centre at their existing Customer Service Centre at Similajau National Park. This model was an example for our client to carry forward to their other Interpretion Centres in Sarawak’s National Parks.
In collaboration with IMPACT DESIGN ASSOCIATES SDN. BHD. (Design & Content Exhibition Specialist), we worked together with SFC’s park management, conservationist and marine biologist in enhancing both the physical displays for indoor and outdoor exhibitions; as well as the creating and rejuvenating new and existing spaces in the Customer Service Centre. In doing so, complimenting their management requirements as well a creating a better visitor’s experience to the park.